Our AWS services course content covers all the latest topics from basics like networking and cloud computing introduction to advanced topics from the scratch such as cloud front, elastic cache, and also cloud formation, etc.,
Chapter 7: Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about on launching EC2 instances – Linux/Windows in cloud. Also this module will covers creating AMIs, different ways to connect an instance, assigning Elastic IP, hosting a website in EC2 Learning Objective: The following skills should be gained by completing this module:
Deep knowledge on EC2
Working with Security, Key Pairs, Tags
Understanding on Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Importance of Elastic IP
Storage options in EC2
Building an Elastic Cloud Computing Windows instance & Linux Instance
Bootstrapping with user-data
Security Set up
Security with Key Pairs
Working with Security Group
Different IPs assigned to an Elastic Cloud Computing instance
Assigning Elastic IPs
Login/Access to EC2 instance
Creating your own custom AMI, Registering & Granting access to AMI
Placement groups
EC2 instance protection
Instance Roles
Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs)
Resources and Tags
Accessing Meta-Data & use cases.
Hands-on Practicals:
Launch of Linux EC2 instance
Apache installation
Securing instance
Launching webserver
Launching Windows EC2 instance
Image creation
Instance launch from image
Assign Elastic IP to EC2
Chapter 8: Elastic Block Storage (EBS)
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) to attach/detach into EC2 instance Learning Objective: The following skills should be gained by completing this module:
What is Elastic Block Store (EBS)?
EBS Volume Types
What is EBS Encryption?
EBS Performance
Instance Store volumes
Instance Stores Available on Instance Types
Instance Store Usage Scenarios
Adding Instance Store Volumes to an AMI
Optimize the Disk Performance
Create and delete volumes
Attach and detach volumes
Mount and Unmount the attached volume
Increase the volume size
Create snapshots
How to Create Volumes & AMIs from Snapshots?
Cross-Region snapshot copy & use cases.
Hands-on Practicals:
Creating new EBS block
Attaching the new block to Linux instance
Formatting the block
Using the block for storage
Handling IOPS details
Detaching and attaching the block to new instance
EBS Demo in Windows
Mount / Unmount the volume
Switching the block to new zone
Creating EBS Using snapshots
Handling the new EBS block for Windows instance
Chapter 9: Elastic File System (EFS)
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about the Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) to share file data without provisioning or managing storage Learning Objective: The following skills should be gained by completing this module:
Understanding of EFS
Mounting & Unmounting Details
Security in EFS
What is Elastic File System (EFS)?
Working with EFS resources
Mounting EFS File Systems
Managing EFS
Monitoring file systems
Data Protection for EFS
What is Elastic File System (EFS)?
Creating a file system
Deleting a file system
Creating & managing mount targets
Creating Security groups
Creating policies
Understanding of API
Chapter 10: Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
Learning Objective: The following skills should be gained by completing this module:
Understanding of Storage classes in S3
Benefits of S3
Understanding of components in S3
Security / Policy in Buckets & Objects
How to Create and delete buckets?
How to Add objects to buckets?
Getting the objects
Deleting the objects
What is Notifications?
S3 storage and it’s usage
How to Work with Permissions of S3, Access Control, Bucket policy?
Types of S3 Data encryption
S3 Objects Enable Versioning and Logging
Overview of S3 Lifecycle rules
Accessing the Simple Storage Services with Tools
How to Host a Static Website?
Cross-Origin – Resource Sharing
Cross-region – replication
AWS CloudTrail – Audit Logging
Creation of S3 buckets
Loading objects and folders in buckets
Securing objects
Using Access policies
Dealing with access control lists
Using buckets and objects features
Creating the bucket as webserver
Hosting a website in S3
Access S3 from EC2 Instance
Cross Region Replication
S3 command line interface
Accessing S3 using Python
Generating Policy using Policy Generator
Chapter 11: Amazon Glacier
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about Amazon Glacier cloud storage classes to understand for data archiving and long-term backup.
How to Create Vaults?
Working with Archives
Access the Glacier vault using tools
Backups using Glacier
Understanding Job Operations
What is Data Retrieval Policy Operations?
Creation of Glacier vaults
Working with FastGlacier
Details on archive id, checksum, location and S3 lifecycle management
Chapter 12: Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about VPC (Amazon Virtual Private Cloud) offers a logically isolated virtual network of your choice, where you define your own IP address range. creation of subnets, and configuration of route tables and network gateways.
Understanding of VPC
Components in VPC
Architecting the business requirements into AWS Services
Depth Knowledge of CIDR and understanding of Ipv4
Setting up the different types of networks in AWS
Understanding of CIDR
Working with ipv4 Ipaddress
How to Create custom VPC?
What is NACLs & Security Groups?
Create Internet Gateway(IGW)
Connect to instances in the gateway
What is Subnets, Route Tables & Association?
NAT Instances & NAT-Gateways
DHCP Options Sets & DNS
VPC Peering
Overview of VPN and its components
Exclusive demo on VPC scenario 1 and Scenario 2
Creation and configuring the IP Address for VPC
Creation of subnet
Configuring route table
Access S3 from Private Subnet
Creation of internet gateways
Security group creation
Launch of NAT instances
Launch of NAT Gateways
Usage of VPC Wizard
Chapter 13: Elastic Network Interface (ENI)
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about Elastic Network Interface (ENI) to create and configure network interfaces and attach to instances.
Learning Objective: The following skills should be gained by completing this module:
Understanding of ENI
Up the secondary server by using secondary ENI
Understanding of Network Interface
Use case of ENI
Enabling Management Traffic by using ENI
Attach ENI to EC2 Instances
Launch EC2 Instances
Create ENI
Attach ENI to EC2 Instance
Create EIP and attach to ENI
Detach and attach to secondary Instance
Chapter 14: Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about a cloud-based relational database can easily be set up, operated, and scaled by Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS).
Learning Objective: The following skills should be gained by completing this module:
Relational Database Service in AWS
Types of DB engines in RDS
Launching MySQL DB
What is DB Instances?
Select the DB-Engine
Configure the Database Server
Creating the Database
How to Set up automatic backups, snapshots & restores?
Authorizing access to the DB with RDS Security Groups
DB Instance Replication
Security: Using IAM to Manage Access to Amazon RDS Resources
What is RDS Limits?
How to Manage MySql Database server?
DB Instance Life Cycle: How to Rename a DB Instance
How to Delete or Reboot a DB Instance?
Overview of Storage Types
Upgrade a DB Instance
Option Groups & DB Parameter Groups
How to work with Reserved DB Instances?
Understanding Monitoring
What is Database Log Files?
Choosing the DB engine
Selecting the DB version
Configuring the deployment details
Using credentials and default DB details
Configuring VPC and Subnets
Enabling logs
Enabling security via security groups and IAM policies
Usage on upgrades and maintenance window
Snapshot creation
Launch of RDS instance in Linux
Chapter 15: Amazon DynamoDB
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about a key-value and document database, DynamoDB is a multi-regional, multi-active, durable database with backup and restore capabilities.
Learning Objective: The following skills should be gained by completing this module:
Understanding of NO-SQL DB
Benefits of DynamoDB
Working on DynamoDB
Creating the Database
How to Set up automatic backups, snapshots & restores?
Working with Tables & Data
Working with Items & Attributes
Working with Queries
Working with Scans
Improving Data Access with Secondary Indexes
DynamoDB Backups
Creating a table
Insert/Update the data in the console
Connect DynamoDB from the application
Enabling logs
Enabling security via security groups and IAM policies
Chapter 16: Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about Elastic load balancing, applications traffic is automatically distributed across multiple targets such as Amazon EC2 instances, containers, IP addresses, and Lambda functions.
Learning Objective: The following skills should be gained by completing this module:
Elastic Load Balancer and types of ELB
Components & Policies in ELB
What is ELB?
How ELB Works?
Types of ELB
How to Create load balancer
What is Internal& External Load balancers?
Load balancing protocols
What is Listener Configurations?
What is SSL Negotiation Configurations?
How to Attach & Detach Subnets?
To create Security groups for the load balancer?
What is Cross-Zone Load Balancing?
How to Configure health check for the load balancer?
Sticky Sessions How to Add multiple instances to the load balancer?
Overview ofCustom Domain Names?
What is DNS Fail over?
Monitoring and Logging
What is Connection Draining?
ELB traffic logging
Creating a table
Insert/Update the data in the console
Connect DynamoDB from the application
Enabling logs
Enabling security via security groups and IAM policies
Chapter 17: Route 53
Goal : By taking this module, you’ll learn the concepts of Route53 to manage the traffic.
Learning Objective: The following skills should be gained by completing this module:
Host the custom domain using Route53
Configure Amazon Route 53 as Your DNS Service
Register a Domain Name and Configure Amazon Route 53 as the DNS Service
DNS Service Migration for an Existing Domain to Amazon Route 53
Create a Sub domain that Uses Amazon Route 53 without Migrating the Parent Domain with Public Hosted Zones
To Work with Private Hosted Zones
Work with Resource Record Sets
Overview of Health Checks and DNS Failover
Health Checks – Creation, Updating, and Deletion
Transfer a Domain from a Different AWS Account or Registrar
To Use IAM to Control Access to Amazon Route 53 Resources?
Hands-on Practicals
Launch of EC2 instance
Creation of Apache Webserver
Enabling Static IP
Adding hosted zones
Fetching name server details
Linking the name server details with our DNS provider
Creation of Record set
Using the domain name to see the webpages instead of IP Address
Chapter 18: Autoscaling
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn the concepts of Autoscaling
Learning Objective: The following skills should be gained by completing this module:
Setup and configure Auto-scaling
Introduction to auto scaling
Auto scaling components
Advantages of auto scaling
Launch configuration Prerequisites.
How to Create launch configuration?
Creation of Auto Scaling Groups (ASG)?
How to Attach & Detach EC2 Instances in ASG?
configure auto scaling policies based on the Load on EC2 instances?
Auto scaling with Elastic Load balancer (ELB)?
Removing the Instances Temporarily
Suspend and Resume Process
Shut Down – Auto Scaling Process
Monitoring – Auto Scaling Instances
Health Checks
Getting Notifications When ASG Changes
Hands-on Practicals
Creation of EC2 webservers
Creation of Load balancer
Configuring healthy and unhealthy threshold
Picking the loadbalancer application, network and classical
Registering the EC2 instances
Validation of load balancing
Configuring Autoscaling
Creation of Launch Configuration
Configuring Min, Max and Desired count on instances
Validation autoscaling
Chapter 19: Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) enables you to manage access to AWS services and resources securely.
Learning Objective: The following skills should be gained by completing this module:
Managing users, groups
Permissions to allow / deny
Custom policies to access AWS resources
Create user accounts
How to Set up multi factor Authentication (MFA)?
IAM Roles IAM Groups
Delegation of User Permissions
Create of custom policies for delegation
How to Use Identity Providers?
Accessing Cross-Account
Account settings
Creating sub users
Providing UI and CLI access
Assigning permissions
Creating policies in JSON
Usage of Groups
Roles revisited
Password Management
Overview on MFA
Chapter 20: Simple Email Services (SES)
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about Simple Email Service (SES) that enables to send mail from an application.
Learning Objective: The following skills should be gained by completing this module:
Understanding of SES
Use cases of SES
How to Set up email domain?
Limits of Simple Email Services
Test Email setup
Hands-on Practicals
Adding and validating Emails in AWS
Triggering Emails manually using RAW email feature
Triggering emails via Python scripts
Chapter 21: Simple Queue Services (SQS)
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about Simple Queue Service (SQS) fully managed message queuing service.
Learning Objective: The following skills should be gained by completing this module:
Understanding of SQS
Types of SQS
Create a queue
How to Send messages to the queue?
Sending Simple Notification Services to Simple Queue Services
Retrieving messages from Simple Queue Services
Hands-on Practicals
Creation of Standard queues
Configuration of queues
Handling message pooling
Creation of FIFO queues
Accessing the queue via Python scripts
Pushing and Pulling the messages from queue using Python scripts
Chapter 22: Simple Notification Services (SNS)
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about Simple Notification Service (SNS) fully managed messaging service for both application-to-application (A2A) and application-to-person (A2P) communication.
Learning Objective : The following skills should be gained by completing this module:
Subscription and send mail to the subscriber
Create a topic and add SNS
Create a topic
Subscribe to topic via Email
How to set notification for EC2 instance changes?
Creation of SNS Topic
Usage of subscription
Linking the subscription to a topic
Visualizing the notification using topic
Chapter 23: AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an easy-to-use service for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Go, and Docker on familiar servers such as Apache, Nginx, Passenger, and IIS.
Learning Objective: The following skills should be gained by completing this module:
Understanding of Elastic Beanstalk
Deploying an application
Create Web-App using Elastic Beanstalk
Build a sample application using Beanstalk
Modify the properties of deployment
Deploy v2.0 into Elastic Beanstalk
Creation of Beanstalk Application
Creation of a new environment under the application
Launch of a webserver using Beanstalk
Configuring the environment
Enabling notification for the environment
Usage on version control on beanstalk
Chapter 24: Server less computing (Lambda)
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers.
Chapter 25: CloudTrail
Goal : By taking this module, you’ll learn about AWS CloudTrail with log, continuously monitor, and retain account activity related to actions across your AWS infrastructure.
Chapter 26: CloudWatch
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about monitoring service – CloudWatch with how to monitor your resources by effectively.
Chapter 27: CloudFront
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about Amazon CloudFront is a fast content delivery network (CDN) service that securely delivers data, videos, applications, and APIs to customers globally with low latency.
Chapter 28: CloudFormation
Goal: By taking this module, you’ll learn about Amazon CloudFormation to deploy the AWS resources as faster , efficient way and more security.
Learning Objective: The following skills should be gained by completing this module:
Understanding CloudFormation Templates
Creation of Stacks
Deploy the AWS resources in quicker way
How to Build AWS infrastructure as a code?
Components in CloudFormation
Sample templates – Utilization
JSON – Introduction
YAML – Introduction
Updating Stacks
Create S3 Bucket using CF template
S3 Bucket with Bucket Name
S3 Bucket with Retain resources
Website Hosting in S3
Create EC2 Instance using CF template
EC2 Instance with EIP (Update resources by using Change Sets)
Deploy PHP application