To begin, React.js is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. It offers a robust framework for developing dynamic web applications. Performance optimization is crucial in achieving efficiency, improves speed and overall performance. To improve the performance of your apps, let’s explore the various techniques to optimize your React.js application.
Techniques of performance optimization
Performance optimization techniques focus on ensuring that the React.js applications are responsive, efficient and run smoothly.
- Use Pure component and Should Component Update
- Memorization
- Use immutable Data structure
- Lazy loading images and components
- Code splitting and visualization
Use Pure component and Should Component Update
To prevent unnecessary re-rendering of components, Use PureComponent and shouldComponentUpdate.
- Pure Component: is a React base class that performs shallow comparison. It compares the props and state automatically.
should Component Update
should Component Update is a lifecycle method that controls the re-rendering of components. It can be overridden in a regular class component. should Component Update return true to re-render or false to skip the re-render. It receives the next props and next state as arguments.
Memoization techniques improve the overall performance of the React applications. It minimizes the redundant work of expensive operations, calculations and computations. Memoization offers:
- React.memo
- UseMemo
- UseCallback
React.memo is a component that memoizes a functional component. If a functional component has the same props, then re-rendering is not needed. Given the same props, the functional component will render the same output. React memo prevents the functional component from re-rendering.
useMemo is a hook that is useful for expensive calculations. It memoizes the result of a function. useMemo recomputes the memoized value if one of the dependencies has changed. UseMemo is helpful as recalculation on every render is not needed.
useCallback is a hook that is used to prevent unnecessary re-creation of functions. It returns a memoized version of a callback function. useCallback is useful when passing callbacks to child components.
Use immutable data structure
Immutable data structures are static data structures which do not change after creation. Modification leads to the creation of a new data structure. Immutable data structures are used in the React applications to enhance:
- Performance
- Maintainability
- Predictability
Immutable data is used for efficient comparison of references. It allows predictable state management as it allows working with new objects. This makes the implementation process of various features like undo/redo easier.
The various data structures available to implement immutable data are:
Count: {data.get(count)}
Immer is a library that allows you to write code in draft state. It helps to work with immutable states and is useful in state management. The produce function in Immer is the core which mutates the draft. This draft is used to produce the next immutable state. The arguments for a produce function are the current state and the recipe function.
Lazy loading images and components
Large images slow down the speed of the application. So optimize the images by compressing them. Make use of modern formats like WebP. Leverage lazy loading for images to improve initial load times.

Lazy loading components reduce the initial load time by splitting the code into smaller chunks. They are loading only on demand.
Code splitting and visualization
The Code splitting technique improves the performance of the application by reducing the initial load time. It can be achieved using:
- Dynamic imports
- React.lazy
- Suspense
Dynamic Imports To load modules asynchronously, dynamic imports are used by the import() function.
Virtualization techniques are used to render large lists or tables. It renders only the items that are visible in the viewport. This technique improves performance by reducing the amount of rendering and updating of DOM elements. Virtualization can be achieved using libraries, such as:
- react-window
- react-virtualized
- react-window
Lightweight library for rendering large sets of lists and tabular data. Install the react-window package using the command below and then use it to render the specific rows.
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ConclusionTo conclude, optimizing the performance of the React.js application is vital using various techniques and best practices. It enhances the efficiency and responsiveness of the application. Get professional support to build effective React.js applications using hands-on training. Credo Systemz provides the React JS Training course in Chennai using experts.