

Over the past years Python programming tops the list of most popular programming languages around the world. Python is considered as the most amazing and fascinating language which developers love to use and it provides everything what developers what. The clear syntax and scalability of Python are the one which makes it a famous programming language.

We have discussed a lot of interesting factors of Python in our previous post titled as Why Learn Python?. Do read it where you can get the very useful information about Python.

From the list of different fascinating features of Python programming, versatility is one among them which makes it useful in making different application unlike other languages which is used to web and mobile app development.

Before discuss the above technologies, sharing here the applications which is made by python programming,

  • Netflix
  • Quora
  • Instagram
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Microsoft
  • Uber
  • Reddit
  • Dropbox
  • Amazon
  • etc.,

Data Science

The phelthora of the libraries available in Python programming makes the Data Scientist prefer Python other than other languages.

The modern world is all about data and the person who works in data going to define the future of an organization, the role of a Data Scientist is to work around Data, Analyze and get a useful insight from it.

Data collection, Data processing, Data exploration, Data analysis and visualization are the main role and responsibility of a Data Scientist.

To make this process in an easy manner Python provides different types of libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Pandas, NumPy and SciPy.

When it comes to Data Visualization, no need to worry of the going with other visualization tools instead you can easily get the tools in Python libraries such as Matplotlib, Seaborn, Ggplot and more.

Wed Development

Web Development is like the front end of the each and every business, hence all the organization has putting major effort in building their web development side effectively. Web development is considered as one of the top list in the application of Python.

As we discussed earlier Python having different features and benefits such as scalability, convenience and security.

Like the same as mentioned in Data Science here in web development also there are different libraries and frameworks, such as Django, Pyramid and Flask.

Including the Python development features it offers many benefits and supports to assist various protocols, naming few as HTML, XML, FTP and more.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is none other than a form of an artificial intelligence which uses computer program to access data and learn by themselves that we all know about, here let’s see how Python is getting used in Machine Learning. When it comes to Machine Learning, it is all about having a programming language which should be very stable, secure and flexible, the beauty lies here why because Python has all the above features which a Machine Learning platform looking for, The consistency and simplicity of the Python programming and its great useful collections of libraries and also an active community which makes it a perfect match for developing Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learningapplications.

  • SciPy
  • Pandas
  • Seaborn
  • Keras, TensorFlow
  • NumPy

Automation Testing

Python programming language is currently considered as the most commonly used language for automation testing, the standard libraries of the Python programming has been an excellent tool for the automation testing.

  • PyUnit& Nose2
  • PyTest
  • Behave
  • Robot Framework
  • Jasmine
Leaving the above there are also more tool box or libraries of Python that can be used to test automation. Python Facts: According to the Stack overflow report python is the most preferable language in 2021

Software Development

When it comes to software development, Python programming is considered as the well known language using which you can write the programs quickly and also with less number of codes.

This feature of the Python plays as a catalyst for the rise of the programming languages in the software development field.

Python programming has a huge community in which you can use it to communicate and get help from the developers around the world.

Different applications that we can develop using Python:

  • Blockchain application
  • Command line application
  • Audio and video application
  • Game development application
  • System administration application
  • Mobile app development application

Top used Python framework for Development:

  • Django
  • Flask
  • Web2Py
  • Pyramid
  • CherryPy

The matter of fact: This is what Python offers you and become a Python Expert!!

Are You Ready to learn Python Programming?

You can join Credo Sysemz for your python career growth with more than 1000+ satisfied learners. The Python Course Syllabus is absolutely designed from scratch. Also, Credo Systemz offers the Python training with real time scenarios, you can book your free demo session and join. Thank you

Happy Learning!!!

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