Cloud computing is the term that evolves round the infrastructure world in recent years with good benefits. It is a software based or application based infrastructure that helps each organization to avoid maintaining the physical in-house servers for maintaining any data instead they can use remote servers to save their data that can be used anytime on demand using the internet UI Layer or application in front end that helps to store data, retrieve data, running applications on demand and managing them is termed as clouding computing software.
Four types of Cloud computing
- SaaS – Software as a Service
- IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service
- StaaS – Storage as a Service
- PaaS – Platform as a Service
Being an entrepreneur you may have question about business data security when we are using cloud service rather than physical on premise server.
Answer for the question is being an organization you can create the business data but the cloud provider such as Microsoft(Azure) or Amazon(AWS) make have control over the data with all legal and data security regulations.All the above types of Cloud computing can be implemented in three ways
- Public Cloud
- Private Cloud
- Hybrid Cloud
Public cloud means all the resources like storage and servers that are required for application or business will be fully managed by cloud service provider such as Azure, AWS etc. We can only access the infrastructure from the cloud provider over internet and will pay for its usage.
Private cloud means the business or organization that manages the cloud computing resources or infrastructure. Companies also can pay to Cloud third party provider or they can have owner cloud onsite datacenter with own cloud computing infrastructure. Open stack is example of private cloud.
Hybrid cloud means combination of Public and Private cloud depends on the need of the business. It means data and application can share the private and public infrastructure whenever they need. It gives effective flexibility, Security, Infrastructure and compliance.Popular Cloud Providers in Market
Several cloud providers available in world market and delivering extreme in their service quality. Based on number of customer’s popular top 3 cloud service providers are listed below.
Each of the above three service providers have their unique strength areas in cloud computing. AWS was very early to the market comparing to others in cloud platform. It has more strong capability in delivering services in IaaS comparing to other two providers.
Microsoft came when AWS was rocking in the industry but Microsoft launched to market of enterprise customers those are already using Microsoft server or platform. For existing users, it came up with good pricing offers and launched their strong built in PaaS. Example Office 365.
Google Cloud is owned by market leader Google but late to cloud market comparing to other two providers. Strength area of google cloud is SaaS for example google drive which is widely used and google launched its pricing very cheap than other two providers.Job Market of Cloud Computing
Due to majority of the enterprise moving from on premise server to cloud computing service to reduce the cost, Easy to market(CI-CD) and maintenance. Job market for cloud computing engineers are increased in 2022 and 2023. Even in pandemic lot of hiring happened all over the world for this skill.
Top Journals like Indeed and Forbes listed that average salary of Cloud Computing Engineer is $ 1 20,000
Benefits or Advantages of Cloud Computing
Reduce Maintaining Cost
Cloud computing is the technology revolution that help to reduce or avoid the maintenance cost of Servers, hardware and software used in In-house data centers. We are going to pay of the usage time to the cloud computing service provider such as Azure or AWS etc.
Quick Set up time
Cloud computing encourage the concept of Self-service where we can configure our own needed infrastructure in fraction of minutes with more flexible options.Improved Productivity
Lot of repeated work in maintaining the server rack is the biggest headache in traditional On premise server or infrastructure approach. Cloud computing eliminate such situation and make infra team to focus on what needs to be done for achieving the business goals.Reliable
Cloud computing helps in delivering the qualitative services like back up of data, recovery in the cheaper cost. Data security also ensured with legal terms and data can be mirrored in the cloud computing provider with multiple times in certain period of time.Performance Improvement and Security
Cloud computing service providers regularly upgrade and use the latest generation of software and hardware cloud services that ensure the high quality performing applications that deployed using those cloud services to our end users using our application.
Security part of cloud computing will be handled by the service provider effectively using wide set of policies, security options with completed or authorized high end security testing cycles that ensure to protect the application deployed from the potential security risk.
Find below the list of few services that are provided by the cloud provider in day to day life.
We can develop native cloud application using cloud services.
Using the SaaS, Software can be shared to the users on demand.
Data recovery, Backup and Storage features help application can be accessed through any device or from any location.
Streaming of High definition audio and video from anywhere to global audience.
Building and testing the software using the several cloud services is feasible
Analyzing the data using the Machine learning and artificial intelligence services in clouding computing are more effective nowadays.